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Recognition on the cards? October 26, 2009

Posted by Yilan in Macedonia.
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Kevin Rudd welcomes Gruevski

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has officially welcomed Nikola Gruevski, the Prime Minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, to Australia.

Today the two will sign a social insurance agreement, which will benefit Macedonians living and working in Australia.

As with many visiting heads of state and heads of government, Mr Gruevski has received the full ceremonial treatment, including a turnout of the Federation Guard.

Australia, Macedonia sign pension deal

Australia has signed a new social security agreement with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to make it easer for some people to access pensions.

From 2011, people who have spent part of their adult lives in both countries will have access to pensions from either country.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd signed the agreement with the Prime Minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski, in Canberra this morning.

“This agreement reflects the close people-to-people links that we have between our countries,” he said.

“It is the first formal agreement concluded between our two countries since the establishment of diplomatic relations 14 years ago in October 1995.”


1. Robert Vragovski - October 28, 2009

It is a common fact that greece has a large diaspora in australia that influence australian policy. However if you were to combine the Macedonian and Turkish diasporas then we could together lobby for our goals being Macedonia and its rights and Turkish rights regarding cyprus.
So once agian i question why dont we all band together in Australia and let the corrupt politicians know where our votes will be going.

2. LOUIE - October 30, 2009

kevin rudd should be voted out of office at the next election,do not give him a second chance!!!

3. Dimitrija - November 8, 2009

MAKEDONIJA 1371 to 1912 dominated Ottoman Empire.
1991- 1992 Turkey and Bulgaria early recognition of the
Republic of Macedonia.
Makedonija partitioned result of the 2nd Balkan War and
Treaty 1913.
Makedonija inhabited Slovene 1300 years.

What possible issue could the Greek state have with the name
MAKEDONIJA, no issue whatsoever, the facts are plain and clear
in the Anglo- American University of Chicago publication the Enc
yclopaedia Brittanica.

Premier Gruevski is right, we should cease to refer to ourselves
Vardar Macedonian, Aegean Macedonian, Pirin Macedonian etc.
Families should be encouraged to raise 3, 4 and more children.
Great activity should occure between Macedonian and its country
men overseas.

Macedonian national rights will then be addressable in a few decades!

4. Louis - April 20, 2010

we need to bring back our original sun flag and unite to expose the Greek lies.. Macedonia is, was and always will be Macedonia for Macedonians,,Kevin Rudd is a stubid Greek puppet.NO VOTE FOR KEVIN RUDD we should combine with the Australian Turks and vote no for Kevin Rudd I’m sure there will be more votes the Greek propaganders in Australia.

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